Inauguration of Nutrition Student Association (AIMGI)


Medan - FKM USU: Vice Dean I of FKM USU Dr. Umi Salmah, S.K.M., M.Kes. inaugurated the management of the Nutrition Student Association (AIMGI) FKM USU for the 2024/2025 Period, Monday (February 19, 2024) at the FKM USU Auditorium. This association is chaired by Dinda Ratu Nayla with Dinda Aulia Febrianty as vice chairman. There are 6 (six) divisions in its organizational structure, namely Human Resources and Development, Public Relations, Research and Education, Entrepreneur and Partnership, Social Nutrition, Information and Communication. The inauguration was attended by the chairman and secretary, lecturers, and students of the Bachelor of Nutrition Study Program. Vice Dean I in her speech hoped that all administrators in this association can work together to support the development of study programs in achieving their vision and mission.