Students of Al-Fityan Integrated Islamic High School Medan Visit FKM USU


Medan - FKM USU: A total of 37 students of Al-Fityan School Medan Integrated Islamic High School visited FKM USU, Monday (January 29, 2024). The group was received by the Vice Dean I of FKM USU Dr. Umi Salmah, S.K.M., M. Kes, Chairperson and Secretary of the S1 Public Health Study Program, and Chairperson and Secretary of the S1 Nutrition Study Program at the FKM USU Auditorium. The Principal of Al-Fityan School Medan Integrated Islamic High School, represented by Suriyati, S.Pd. said that the visit was carried out in the framework of their school program, namely Goes to Campus, a school program specifically for students who are in grade XII SMA. According to her, the program aims to motivate and increase the interest of students to continue their education to State Universities (PTN). Head of S1 Public Health Dr. Ir. Evi Naria, M. Kes and Head of S1 Nutrition Dr. Ir. Zulhaida Lubis, M. Kes on this occasion explained the profile of each study program, accreditation, new student entry points, and graduate profiles. The activity continued with 'alumni sharing' by Raisha Zahra who is an alumnus of Al-Fityan Integrated Islamic High School by sharing experiences, as well as tips and tricks to be accepted as a student of FKM USU. The event ended with a discussion session where in each session dozens of students scrambled to raise their hands to ask the questions they had prepared.