National Webinar: Breakfast Awareness Among Gen Z


Medan - FKM USU: The Nutrition Student Association (AIMGI) FKM USU held  a National Webinar with the theme "The Importance of Breakfast Awareness among Generation Z", Tuesday (20 February 2024) in a hybrid way at Auditorium FKM USU. This event was attended by 590 participants from various educational institutions and the government in the health sector in Indonesia. The resource person is Esti Nurwanti, S. Gz, RD, M.P.H, Ph. D, nutritionist and founder of Gizi Nusantara, and Dr. Fitri Ardiani, S.K.M, M.P.H, lecturer at Nutrition Undergraduate Study Program FKM USU. Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, University of Sumatera Utara, Prof. Dr. Dra. Ida Yustina, M. Si, when delivering her remarks at the opening of the event stated that the webinar theme about breakfast was very interesting to discuss considering the amount of information circulating on social media about the existence of breakfast in human life. In this webinar, resource person Esti Nurwanti said that breakfast is very important and is the main key to improving health, concentration and human performance. This webinar was held simultaneously to commemorate National Nutrition Day and National Breakfast Week 2024.