Entrepreneurship Festival (KWU Fest) FKM USU


Medan - FKM USU: FKM USU held an Entrepreneurship Festival (KWU Fest) at the FKM USU Academic Studio, Tuesday (26 March 2024). The activity with the theme "Empowering Student Businesses through the Entrepreneurship Festival was opened by Deputy Dean I Dr. Umi Salmah SKM., M. Kes. In her speech, Dr. Umi Salmah explained that KWU Fest is a facility provided by the faculty for students to show their skills and innovation in building their entrepreneurship. "One of the profiles of FKM USU graduates is entrepreneurs, so through this activity it is hoped that students will use this to develop their entrepreneurship," she said. KWU Fest was attended by 10 student teams who displayed various healthy food products presented attractively. The team chosen as 1st place winner was Christella Andreusiana, et al.; 2nd place winner Dinda Facharani Akri, et al; and 3rd place winner Anggi Putri Alikha Harahap, et al. The judges for this activity were FKM USU teaching staff, namely Dhani Syahputra Bukit, M.K.M, dr. Rusmalawaty, M. Kes, and Ecia Meilonna Koka, M. Kes. Assessment elements include product display, business creativity, business targets, marketing and financial management, and marketing plans.