Workshop on Strengthening the Curriculum for Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program


Medan – FKM USU: Workshop on Strengthening the Curriculum for the FKM USU Nutrition Undergraduate Study Program was held on Monday, March 14, 2022, following the issuance of the Minimum Accreditation for the Study Program from LAM-PTKes on January 28, 2022. The activity was opened by the Second Vice Dean Ir. Indra Chahaya S, M.Si invited relevant stakeholders such as Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Dinas Kesehatan Kota Medan, USU Hospital and Aerofood ACS. The involvement of stakeholders in this workshop is expected to provide input to strengthen the curriculum that will be carried out by the Nutrition S-1 Study Program in producing competent graduates.