Socialization of the Nutrition Undergraduate Study Program FKM USU


Medan-FKM USU: In order to admit new students for the first time in the 2022/2023 Academic Year, FKM USU held an online Socialization of the Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program, FKM USU on Thursday, 17/02/2021. The resource person for the socialization activity was Dr. Ir. Zulhaida Lubis, M.Kes., who is one of the teaching staff of the Nutrition Undergraduate Study Program, FKM USU. Zulhaida Lubis said that this year, Nutrition Undergraduate Study Program as a new study program within USU opened up opportunities for class XII senior high school students to become students in the study program, either through invitations or regular channels. Online socialization moderated by Risanti Febrine Ropita Situmorang, S.K.M., M.Sc. (Teaching staff of the Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program, FKM USU) attended by more than 90 participants consisting of teachers and students senior high school in North Sumatra. This socialization activity ended by giving door prizes to participants who managed to answer questions from the committee quickly and accurately.