Inauguration of the Chair, Secretary, and Head of the Laboratory Nutrition Undergraduate Study Program


Medan –FKM USU: The Rector of  USU Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si inaugurated the Chair, Secretary and Head of the Laboratory of FKM USU Nutrition Undergraduate Study Program, 27 April 2022, at the FKM USU Auditorium. Dr. Ir. Zulhaida Lubis, M.Kes was inaugurated as Chair of the Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program with Fitri Ardiani, S.K.M, M.P.H. as secretary, while Ernawati Nasution, S.K.M., M.Kes. was inaugurated as Head of the Laboratory for Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program. The Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program is a new study program in FKM USU, which accepts students starting from 2022/2023 academic year. The inauguration was attended by USU Vice Rector IV, USU Secretary, the Council of Professors Secretary, and FKM USU leaders. In his speech, the Rector hoped that the process of providing education as a study program could produce graduates who could solve problems in their scientific fields and give the contribution to Indonesia. The study program is also expected to adjust learning process with the times.