FKM USU Pilmapres 2023


Medan - FKM USU: Eriska Febriani Hutagaol was chosen as the 1st winner in FKM USU Achievement Student Selection (Pilmapres) in 2023, and will represent FKM USU to continue taking part in the Pilmapres at the USU level. As for Suhayla Rizky Nasution and Thessalonika R. M. Panggabean, they were selected as the second and third winners respectively. The 2023 Pilmapres at the faculty level was held at the FKM USU Auditorium, Monday, April 10, 2023, opened by the Vice Dean of FKM USU Ir. Etti Sudaryati, M.K.M., Ph.D. There were 7 (seven) students of FKM USU from Public Health Study Program who became finalists. The stages in the Pilmapres competition include file selection, Selection of Superior Achievements (CU), Creative Idea (GK) scripts and video presentations in English.