Workshop News Writing & Podcast Content FKM USU

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Medan - FKM USU: FKM USU conducted a Workshop for Improving News Writing Quality and Podcast Content Management, held in the Meeting Room of FKM USU on July 11th and 25th, 2023. The speakers for this event were Prof. Dr. Dra. Ida Yustina, M.Si. (Dean of FKM USU) and Irsan Mulyadi, S. Sos. M.I.Kom. (CEO of Ciskom). Both of them are alumni of FISIP USU and have experience as practitioners in the field of journalism. Workshop participants were faculty members and educational staff who have additional responsibilities for filling the FKM USU website and the FKM USU Podcast named "Trophico Podcast". The workshop, moderated by Dhani Syahputra Bukit S.K.M., M.K.M, also involved FKM USU students who are engaged in podcast management. In her opening speech, Dean of FKM USU, Prof. Ida Yustina, expressed the hope that the workshop would enhance the skills of personnel in composing news for the FKM USU website, as well as for the FKM USU podcast.


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