Socialization of Filling Out The Integrity Zone Evaluation Worksheet


Medan - FKM USU: Socialization on filling out the Integrity Zone Evaluation Worksheet was held at FKM USU, Thursday (31 August 2023). The activity was attended by the FKM USU Integrity Zone Development Towards a Corruption-Free Area (ZI WBK) Implementation Team, Secretary of the Legal and Organizational Directorate (Dithukor) Imam Bagus Sumantri S. Farm., M. Si, Apt., and Dithukor Staff Rahmat Riza Putra. The socialization  was opened by Deputy Dean II of USU FKM, Ir. Indra Chahaya, S., M. Si, who explained that FKM USU has had a ZI WBK Implementation Team since 2021. This socialization activity was very useful for FKM USU ZI-WBK Implementation Team in filling out the integrity zone worksheet. Imam Bagus Sumantri as a source person in this activity explained that in connection with the new Minister of Education and Culture Regulation, all faculties are required to have an inspiration account ( to report integrity zone activities to the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform.