Socialization of the Implementation of ZI-WBK/WBBM Development di FKM USU


Medan - FKM USU: FKM USU conducted a Socialization on the Implementation of the Zone of Integrity towards Clean and Bureaucratic Reform (ZI-WBK/WBBM) at the Auditorium  of FKM USU on Friday, November 3, 2023. The event was attended by vice deans, heads and secretaries of study programs, Dean's expert staff, educational staff, as well as representatives from the Security Unit and cleaning service personnel of FKM USU. Second Vice Dean of FKM USU, Ir. Indra Chahaya, M.Si., in his address, urged the entire staff of FKM USU to have high integrity and provide excellent service in the development of ZI-WBK/WBBM at FKM USU. The socialization was presented by Winni R.E. Tumanggor, S.K.M., M.P.H., who conveyed that the development of ZI-WBK/WBBM is a miniature application of bureaucratic reform in various work units to achieve a bureaucracy that is free from corruption, capable, and accountable; a bureaucracy with a culture of integrity, service, synergy, and ownership towards the organization. Winni also added that in the process of achieving the ZI-WBK/WBBM predicate, there will be an assessment and determination of integrity zones through several systematic stages, starting from declaration, development, proposal, review by the TPN (National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction), and the determination of ZI-WBK/WBM. At the end of the socialization event, Vice Dean II appealed to the staff of FKM USU to collaborate and synergize, from leaders, lecturers, educational staff, Satpam, to cleaning service personnel, to prepare for the Implementation of the Zone of Integrity Development Program towards Clean and Bureaucratic Reform (ZI-WBK/WBBM) at FKM USU.