Performance by 6 Faculties in Performing Arts and Fitness


Medan - FKM USU: A total of 6 (six) faculties at USU namely: Faculty of Public Health, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Faculty of Law held an "Arts and Fitness Performance" at the USU FKM Academic Studio, Friday 'at (22 December 2023). This activity is the output of the Project Based Learning (PBL) Public Health Arts and Fitness course which has now become a General Compulsory Subject (MKWU) at USU. The event was opened by the Head of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program, Dr. Ir. Evi Naria, M.Kes. who in her speech appreciated this activity and hoped that students could continue to train their talents to achieve achievements. In this activity, each class performed optimally by presenting three performances, namely: gymnastics, traditional dance and singing.