Artificial Intelligence (AI) Workshop


Medan - FKM USU: The FKM USU Public Health Undergraduate Study Program held a workshop with the theme "The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Improving the Quality of Public Health Graduates", Tuesday (21 May 2024), taking place at the FKM USU Auditorium. The workshop was attended by FKM USU Public Health Undergraduate Study Program lecturers and undergraduate students, presenting two Fasilkom TI USU lecturers as resource persons, namely Dr. Amalia, S.T., M.T. and Pauzi Ibrahim Nainggolan, S. Komp., M.Sc. Deputy Dean of FKM USU Dr. Umi Salmah, SKM., M.Kes who opened the workshop said that AI currently has a very important role and is an integral part in the development of modern science and technology. It is hoped that the workshop can help students in the use of AI, especially to conduct research more efficiently and effectively.