Visitation of AIPGI to Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program


Medan - FKM USU: Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Higher Education Institutions for Nutrition (AIPGI) Prof. Dr. Hardinsyah, M.S visited FKM USU Nutrition Undergraduate Study Program, on Wednesday (08 May 2024), and was welcomed by the Dean, head of study program, secretary, laboratory head, lecturers and education staff from the Nutrition Undergraduate Study Program. The visit was carried out by AIPGI in connection with FKM USU Nutrition Study Program as preparation for reaccreditation in 2024. Dean of FKM USU Prof. Dr. Dra. Ida Yustina, M. Si, in her speech said that FKM USU welcomed the visitation to provide input for the faculty as manager in organizing education in the Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program. Head of the Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program, Dr. Ir. Zulhaida Lubis, M. Kes. explained the profile of the study program. Chairman of AIPGI Prof. Hardinsyah then provided direction and input regarding aspects of education implementation in study programs such as: student affairs, curriculum, human resources, and infrastructure. The activity then continued with a visit to FKM USU facilities and infrastructure.